The Alcantara Gorges are located within the Botanical and Geological Park, and owe their name to the Alcantara River. The park and the gorges are the main tourist attraction of the Alcantara Valley. The gorges, which reach a height of up to 25 meters, are a formation of volcanic basalt, eroded by the river that has carved a channel of about 6 km.
You will be fascinated by the spectacular reflections and shimmering of the water on the black walls of lava stone. The itinerary to visit the Gorges includes the passage to the Botanical and Geological Park where with the aid of modern multimedia installations, it is possible to find out about the origins of the place.
Rimarrete affascinati dagli spettacolari riflessi e luccichii dell’acqua sulle pareti nere di pietra lavica.L’itinerario di visita alle Gole prevede il passaggio al Parco Botanico e Geologico dove con l’ausilio di moderne installazioni multimediali, è possibile informarsi sulle origini del luogo.